Sunday 15 November 2009

Infected (Analysis 3 Thriller)


The film cover for this film creates a good impression towars the audience. And is gives good detail of what the film would be about by only usings one main image and a sentence below the tittle. The image is a person who looks deformed like and dead like. The title of the film is also deformed and not bold. This goes along with the theme of the cover. Below the sentence it says, How can you kill what is part of you. This sentence is short but has a strong effect towards the audience. It makes them curious and begin to question what the film would be about which then results to them wanting to watch the film.

The film Infected starts of with a clip which looks like the news. Along with this is the credits on top with a normal bold font. They have done the opening credits on top of a clip so they can straight away introduce the film to the audience, rather than showing the opening credits with a blank background. Since this is done fast, the audience can see that this clip must be on about something stressful and bad. The way you can see that is is a news clip is because of what it says on the top left corner which is 'TV 14 LV'. This has been done for a reason to let the audience know what the clip is. And in this shot is some people with some surgeon masks on there mouth. Along with this is someone speaking who is talking about diseases and infections which hints to the audience what the film is going to be about.

The next shot is some different forms of water which is in a glass, water being sprayed on the fields, poured onto fruits, little girls drinking from the fountain and so on. This also is telling the audience what the film is about. And as you can see it is about the water getting infected causing diseases for people.

After this the next scene contains a long shot of a organic farm industry. This has been done in a long shot with text on the bottom left to establish the scene and were it would be taking place. Following on from this is a close-up on a person looking through a telescope into this place. This is showing the audience that there is something odd happening at this place and the character is curious in this place.

They then begin to show a part where there is a guard walking around the building. And with this is a voice describing the plan to get into this place. When the guard is being recorded, the camera shot chosen is a mid close-up with a low angle to display his high authority.

After there is a bit where a small remote control truck goes towards a open unit. For this scene there is a tracking shot taken to show the trucks view and where it is going. The truck heads into the unit and a explosion takes place within one and a half minutes into the film. These sort of gadgets and explosions is what you would expect from a thriler film.

When the explosion goes off, the camera then shows people running away. The camera shot chosen for this part is panning with which shakes to the left and right to show the emotion of the characters in the film which is shock and terrified. It then goes back to the woman with the telescope. This shows the audience that the explosion has something to do with her. The camera shot used on the women was a close up on her face. This has been done to show her emotions and how she had reacted to the explosions. But she looks calm as if she was expecting the bomb to go off.

All this has happened in the first couple minutes of the film and it has clearly defined what type of film and genre is by using very good techniques. These main techniques was to show a clip while the credits were going. So it gives a small introduction on what the film is about right at the start. This is similar to the first horror analysis i did. The other techniques was using sound and camera shots to show the audience what will happen and also using the camera shots to show who the people are. This would be very effective if i was to use it in a film with any genre. Because the techniques used could have a little twist in them so that the other genres could fit into it.

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