Friday 23 October 2009

Task 2: Research into Excisting Products (Thriller)

Thriller Conventions


The film genre, thriller has been around for many years and is the most common genre in our days. The main reason for why the audience may prefer thriller is because some may fantasise about being the hero or could just enjoy the action in the film. There has even been many documentaries made about the genre thriller and even some of the best thriller movies made.

Typical Conventions Found in Thriller:

A thriller genre is extremely easy to pick out is most films. This is because at the first three minutes of the film you would be able to pick out were there might be some suspense being built up or even something mysterious happening such has there has been a murder or someone may be looking a bit tense and anxious.

A typical thriller film may contain an exotic setting such as foreign cities, polar regions, high seas and deserts. This would help build up the story and atmosphere towards what the audience is imaging that what the films about. This would then make them enjoying the film much more. But the way these places are introduced would be a long shot but in some films it might have some text at the bottom which would say what the place is. You would most likely expect this in a film where there are spies in it.

There is mostly a role where there is a a typical hard man who tries to avoid danger and save everyone at the end. This is the main stereotype you would see in the film. He would have big muscles and would come across as tensed and angry. This man might play the following roles such as officers, spies, soldiers, seamen, or aviators. There could also be a women who he loves and in trying to save or may even be helping him. She would then be the other stereotype who would be beautiful and attractive, but then she would also be a strong dominant women. But over the time women have also been introduced into these roles which is pretty common these days.

In the film you would find many non-diegetic sounds which could be helicopter, sirens, explosions and so on. This helps introduce the scene for example if there was an action scene then you would hear many non-diegetic sounds to help build up the tension and atmosphere.

Another thing you would notice in an action scene is that the way the editing is done is peculiar to another sort of genre. Such as in the opening of the scene the shot change could be very calm and slow but then later in the film it would speed up. In an action scene there would be many different shots would could last up to two seconds long which helps the audience see that it is a tense moment. And at the end of the film it would then being to slow down again and be more calm.

The camera shots chosen in thriller have been done for a purpose to either get the message across to the audience of establish emotions, atmosphere and settings. For example, throughout the film you would see many sorts of camera shots but the main one to establish atmosphere and setting would be the long wide shot. This would cover vast amount of area which would let you know if there in a jungle or desert. So even from this you can tell what sort of genre it is. Another camera shot would be the close-up which helps show the audience how the characters are feeling. And in a thriller film they are most likely going to be angry, upset and tense.

Examples of Thriller Movies:

As you can see, all the movie posters have the same thing in common. This is that they all have a dark theme and they have people in it who look ruff, scared or angry. Straight away just by looking at the poster you can tell that it is a thriller film because of the dark theme, emotions and style used. This plays an important role because the poster / cover is the first thing the viewer would look at therefore is sets the mood of the film and they have a slight description of what the films about. Also below is some of the typical scenes of a thriller movie. They also look similar to the expressions given off from the movie posters. They have been placed in exotic places, and they all seem to look anger and frustrated.

1 comment:

  1. very good work, Ismail. Hope you do the same for the other genres!! look forward to the analyses too!
