Saturday 27 February 2010


At the start of the course our group didn't work as a good team and didn't know each other that well. but towards the end when we began to learn new things about media and the filming industry, we attached a better understanding of the subject itself. This able us to know what we were doing which prevents arguments and mistakes for example, filming, using equipment, editing and so on. Also towards the end when we were coming closer to our deadlines, we got our head down and tried our best to produce the best work of our ability. Therefore in result we have come across many obstacles and missions but finally we had completed every task given and was able to produce a good product at the end.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Final Filming (Diary)

Sunday - 5-7 (checking out location, preparing for filming)
Tuesday - 6-9 (filmed first shot, walking down hallway stairs)
Wednesday - 10:30 - 7 (filmed all shots at location in handsworth wood. shot bloody tools at ismails house)
Thursday - 6-8:30 ( filmed nightmare shots)
Sunday - 6-8 (Filmed shots with mother leaving)

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Final Filming (Actors and Job Roles)


Serial Killer, Jake Aston
Mother of Serial Killer Heffea Parvey

Job Roles:

Director, Tom Westmoreland
Camera Man, Tom Westmoreland, Ismail khan
Sound Man, Ismail Khan
Editing Video, Tom Westmoreland, Jake Aston
Sound Editing, Ismail Khan

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Final Filming (Equipment)

The equipment we would need to make this film is very basic but some items would be needed for example costumes, special effects, settings and so on. The equipment given by the college is:

  • Camera
  • Camera Tri-pod
  • Microphone
  • Headphones
  • Camera Bag
  • Camera Battery
  • Camera Charger

And the other equipment we have provided from our group is:

  • Fake blood / Tomato sauce (Serial Killer)
  • Big rain coat (Serial Killer)
  • Welly boots (Serial Killer)
  • Ragged up shirt (Serial Killer)
  • Dark black Genes (Serial Killer)
  • Many sorts of weapons and tools (Serial Killer)
  • Big Suitcase full of clothes (Mother)
  • No specific costume except coat and jeans (Mother)

Final Filming (Loctions)

The Filming locations we chose to do our film was in three different sites. The first site was at Toms house which is in Great Barr. The second site was in my (Ismail) house which is also in Great Barr and finally the third site was in handsworth which was a building where I use to work at. Below I will give more details and these three locations and explain why i chose this location.

The first location, Great Barr at Toms house, was needed to get the part of the film where the serial killer has a nightmare of his past. But this location was not vital due to the fact that the only parts that will be recorded was a top view of the killer lying on his bed. There was nothing else showing in the room except the pillow and bed therefore this scene can be done at the other two locations in case this Toms house isn't available at the time. But overall the main reason we chose this site was because we were all able to reach this destination easily therefore it was be less stressful and time consuming when organising the group to meet up at this place. But there was no specific setting needed for this film therefore this did not matter.

The second location, Great Barr at my house (Ismail), will be used to get the scene of the actual dream of where the mom leaves the serial killer when he was a baby. Firstly the dream will take place in one of the bedrooms. The bedroom looks cheap and modern therefore the audience can tell that the mother of the baby is slightly poor and untidy. This will help show the audience that the serial killer has come from an unhealthy background. This location would defiantly be available but if there was to be a problem we could use Toms house to record these scenes. But the only problem we would face would be getting a actor for the mothers part.

The third location was in a house where I use to work at. This house is three floors high and has been converted into flats by a house developer, but they never got around to finishing it therefore the place looks very creepy and spooky which would help establish the scene and atmosphere of the scene. The scenes that would takes place here is when the killer walks down the stairs which leads to the basement after having his nightmare. In the basement the killer will look at his weapons with blood all over it which establishes in the film that he is a killer. This scene is vital to get correct because if we were to make a mistake some how then the message wouldn't get across to the audience that well. The problem with this location is that there are some days where the house could be under construction therefore there may be days where we won't be able to record at this location which would result to major loss of time. Also in this location we will record the killer walking down the basement towards were he keeps all his weapons and equipment. This particular setting is very creepy and untidy therefore it would help establish the mood and theme.