Wednesday 2 December 2009

Business Data for the Horror Genre

In 2008 28 horror films were released, bringing in a gross box office take in of 23.4 million. The top performer was Saw V. The horror genre had 126 sites at widest point of release from 28 films, only 5 per cent of films released in 2008 were horror though. Horror films are classified as "15" or "18". The majority of films released in 2008 were certificate "15", 193/527; there were only 51 "18's" released. Certificate "18" films have been consistently the lowest earner, with Sweeney Todd being the best performer of 2008.

Certificates are issued by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). In their opinion the film, video or game should not be seen or purchased by a person under 18 years old. The 18 certificate was only created in 1982. For a film to be classified as an 18 in will contain some of the following; hard drug use, supernatural horror, explicit sex, sadistic violence and sexual violence.Until recently sexual violence and sadistic violence were not even issued a certificate and were seen as not acceptable. According to the BBFC website no drugs promotion is tolerated, only films showing effects of drug misuse are given a classification. The use of bad language in films depends on the language being used; mild bad language could be given a certificate 15 but frequent bad language will be classified as an 18.Natural nudity is allowed for all classification levels, with sexual content resulting in more restrictive classifications.If the theme to the film is racial, sexual, paedophilia, drugs or violence it may be classified as a 15 but in most cases will be given certificate 18.

Horror Genre Conventions

Analysis (Questionnaire)



For this part of the research we had done a questionnaire which contained nine questions. In total we asked thirty different people. The reason why we chose to do so many people, was so that we would get a bigger range of answers. So we can see many different peoples opinions.

What questions did the questionnaire contain:

1. How old are you? 18-21 [ ] 22-26 [ ] 27-30 [ ] 30+ [ ]
2. What gender are you? Male [ ] Female [ ]
3. What is your favourite genre of film? Romanic Comedy [ ] Horror [ ] Thriller [ ]
4. What do you enjoy about this genre?
5. Do you what horror movies? Yes [ ] No [ ] (If yes please continue)
6. What do you enjoy about horror movies?
7. Do you go to cinema to watch horror movies or what them at home? Cenima [ ] Home [ ]
8. What is your favourite horror sub genre? Zombie horror [ ] Comedy horror [ ] Cannibal horror [ ] Ghost horror [ ]
9. What type of characters to you expect to see in a horror movie?


As a group, we all predicted that the age between 18-21 would prefer the genre horror and the sub genre comedy horror. Where as the age above 21 would prefer Romantic comedy or Thriller. Another pridiction made was that overall, more people would prefer watching movies at the cinemas, rather than at home. Last of all the reason why people would like a horror movie was because of the scary and horrific scenes with all the killings and murders.


1. How old are you?

Here it shows that the majority of people that answered our questionnaire was between the ages of 18-21 where as 30+ was the lowest. The reason for why so many people were ages 18-21 was due to the fact that the questionnaire was given out around the college, and this is the age you would expect to see around the college, except for the one off older student and teachers.

2. What gender are you?

The most common gender we asked to do our questionnaire was female.

3. What is your favourite genre of film?

The genre Horror was most preffered and Thriller was the least popular from the people who filled in out questionnaire. The main factor of people preferring horror rather than the other genres is because there are many horror films out there to watch and the effects of watching a horror film can be very entertaining to the audience out there due to the thrills and 'seat jumping' scenes.

4. What do you enjoy about this genre?

For this questions people replied:

Romantic Comedy - They enjoyed the romance, the funny jokes, nice romantic scenes and jolly music. It also puts them in a happy energietic mood.

Horror - Most mentions that they enjoyed the scary and horrific scence which had proved one of our predictions. They also said it gives them a good scare and especially like it when it makes them jump out of their seats.

Thriller - They enjoyed the storylines, plots and the characters used in the film. But they specially liked the action, weapons and cars in the film.

5. Do you watch horror movies?

As you can see, there is a huge mojority of people who answered yes for this questions. This shows us that many people would want to watch a horror movie. The reasons why they had prefered to watch a horror movie would be shown on the next question.

6. What do you enjoy about horror movies?

For this question most people answered the same as they said in question 4 for the horror part. But the people who didn't answer 'horror' for question 4 but also watch horror movies was going along the same lines saying they like the horriffic scenes and the fact that some parts makes them jump out their seats and literally gives them butterflies in their belly.

7. Do you go to the cinema to watch horror movies or watch them at home?

The pie chart shows us that the majority of people watch their movies at a cinema. Even though the results for cinema and home were very close, it still proves another of our predictions which was most people prefer to watch their movies at the cinemas. The reason why they would proberly prefer the cinema would be because the screen is much bigger and the speakers are much louder. Therefore this would make the film more effective and enjoyable.

8. What is your favourite horror sub genre?

Most people prefer Zombie Horror than any other, the reason for this could be because a of the fact that zoombies could look most scary and evil towards the audience. The way a zombie looks like is a dead like human but with skin and flesh missing. These effects and features could be useful to us when making our character for the movie.

9. What type of characters to you expect to see in a horror movie?

For this question people replied in many different answers such as zombies, ghost, scary deformed killers, psychos, ugly alien like creatures and so on. But they all do have a thing in common. This is that they all have a great impact on the audience to give them a good scare
which would also then make them enjoy the film more.


From the results I have obtained from my research, it strongly shows that most of the audience would prefer to watch a horror movie than any other genre. It also shows me what they like about horror movies such as the gruesome scenes, horrific killers and so on. This is the reason why I carried out this research which was to see what sort of movie genres people liked and what they like about it.


The research I carried out which was primary research and no data was taken of any sort of secondary data went well, but I believe it could have been done much better by many ways. The parts were it went well was that we were able to get 30 people to answer our questionnaire which would give us a wide range of answers and views. Also all of them answered all the questions and we didn't come across any time wasters which would have spoilt our research.

But the stuff that didn't go too well was that we had give the questionnaire to people who were aged 18 and above because this age is the target for our movie. But since we were asking people in college, this was very difficult to achieve therefore it took us very long to accomplish which resulted to time wasting and unable to get on with other research. Another problem was that although everyone had filled in all the questions they didn't write in much detail and only write one worded answers. This would not give us much information and help us out when it comes to making the movie. But this can not be controlled because this factor is one of the main disadvantages of using a questionnaire. Last of all the other problem we faced was that when we asked people to fill in the questionnaire, most of them was ages 18-21 but then there was only a couple for the other ages. This then would make the results more biased towards the 18-21 rather than the other people aged 22+, therefore the results can not be reliable if we were going to aim the movie at the age of someone who is ages above 22. This could have been controlled if we asked a certain amount of people from each age range to fill in the questionnaire. Then we would get a better and reliable research.

Overall we were still able to get some valid points and was able to see what could help us in our film and what the audience would be expecting and why they would expect this from a horror movie.